



Preheat oven to 350°F. Grease a 10×15 inch baking pan and line it with parchment paper. Grease the parchment paper. In a large mixing bowl, whisk together egg yolks and sugar. Whisk until the color is lighter.
Add milk, oil and vanilla extract. Stir well. Combine flour and baking powder in a bowl then sift over the yolk mixture. Stir everything together until the mixture is smooth.
In the bowl of a stand mixer (or use a hand-held mixer), beat the egg whites on medium speed until frothy. Add the cream of tartar and beat until soft peaks form. Increase the mixer speed to medium-high and gradually add the sugar. Beat until firm peaks form. Fold the meringue (the beaten egg whites) into the yolk batter in three additions using a rubber spatula. The color of the mixture should be uniform.
Pour and scrape the batter into the prepared pan. Bake for 12-14 minutes or until a toothpick inserted at the middle of the cake comes out clean. Place the pan on a wire rack for two minutes to slightly cool. Then, slide it onto a wire rack to let it cool completely.
Next, remove the parchment backing on the cake. To do this, dust the top of your cake with powdered sugar, place an equal sized parchment paper on top, then place a baking tray over it. Turn the cake over. Remove the wire rack, then peel off the parchment backing off the cake. Repsotion the parchment over the cake, then top it with another baking tray, turn the cake over so it is facing right side up again. The cake is now ready for filling and rolling.
Spread strawberry jam evenly across the surface of the cake. Top the jam with whipped cream in an even layer. Make sure to leave about half an inch border on the sides of the cake.
With the short edge facing you,lift the parchemnt paper, and start to roll the cake forward, lifting the parchment along. Keep rolling until you reach the other end. With the cake inside the parchment, press and pat the cake gently to reinforce its shape. Gently unwrap the cake, trim the ends if desired and dust with powdered sugar. Chill for atleast 1 hour before serving.



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