
A Note from the Delivery Guy Made Me Install Security Cameras around My House – I’ll Forever Be Grateful to Him


Written by Admin


A hurried scribble on a delivery bag sent me racing to my backyard, leading to a disturbing discovery that might have saved my family from something terrifying. The cryptic note from Ravi, our regular delivery guy, hinted at a danger that was still looming, a threat I couldn’t ignore.

As a single mom, I often rely on food delivery when I’m too exhausted to cook for my kids. Over time, Ravi became more than just a familiar face; he was a friend who shared high-fives with my children, Kai and Isla, before heading off. But last Tuesday, something felt off. Ravi arrived looking unusually tense. He handed me our food without a word and hurried back to his car, leaving me puzzled.

“What’s wrong with Ravi?” Kai asked, peering out the window.

“I don’t know, buddy. Maybe he’s in a rush,” I replied, watching his car disappear down the street.

As I set the food on the kitchen counter, still wondering about Ravi’s strange behavior, I noticed something scribbled on the back of the delivery bag. The shaky handwriting caught my attention immediately, and when I read the message, dinner was the last thing on my mind.

My heart raced as I tried to remain calm for my kids. “Why don’t you two wash up while I get everything ready?” I suggested, sending them out of the kitchen. Once they were gone, I dashed to the backyard, Ravi’s message echoing in my mind. I approached the trash cans, my hands trembling as I lifted the lid of the first one. Nothing out of the ordinary, just our usual garbage. But when I opened the second can, I froze. Inside, wrapped in an old blanket, was a collection of gloves, a few small tools, and an unlabeled bottle filled with a mysterious liquid. Panic surged through me.




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